Monday, April 28, 2008

Free Marketing Graphics

As you know, a professional looking website is very important to build TRUST with your visitors as well as increasing your conversions.

Well, i just came across a NEW site that is giving away AWESOME website graphics.

You can use these for

-Opt In forms
-Order Now Buttons
-Download now Buttons
-Guarantee Buttons
- and more...

I just downloaded these and I figured you would want them too. They are free and you can download them now...

Download now!!


PS - The site says it may only be up for a limited time, so make sure to go there now.

Download here!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How To Stop Children From Grinding Their Teeth

Have you ever crept into your kid's room during the night expecting the sweet sounds of slumber and instead been greeted by the sound of grinding teeth? Grinding teeth , or Bruxism as it is called, most frequently occurs during sleep at night. Millions of people from all over the world suffer from it and have been searching for ways to stop teeth grinding.

Teeth grinding in toddlers will often go away on its own as the child gets older and used to having teeth. While teeth grinding in adults is usually a sign of stress, in children it is probably more of a habit than anything else. Teeth grinding creates wear on the tooth enamel which causes cracking and sometimes chipping in the teeth. Grinding your teeth while asleep is more of a problem than when you are awake since most people grind their teeth much harder while sleeping.

To completely stop grinding your teeth you need to do exercises and change parts of your diet. For example, you can purchase countless different mouth guards available in the market today, but they do NOT help stop tooth grinding permanently. The mouth guards just protect the teeth from further damage but do little to solve the problem. Someone who grinds their teeth every night may experience jaw disorders, damaged teeth, and headaches all because of their bruxism. Dentists will never tell you how to cure bruxism or stop teeth grinding because dentists and the mouth guard businesses would suffer.

Teeth can become sensitive, painful, and loose after they have been worn down or cracked by the grinding. The amount of bite pressure placed on grinding teeth causes the teeth and existing fillings to crack. Lots of kids who grind their teeth aren't even aware of it, so it's often siblings or parents who identify the problem. Dentists should also be aware of it as they are the ones who would see the grinding damage.

In most cases, bruxism is a minor condition that poses no real health threat to a child. In addition to grinding teeth, people with bruxism also may bite their fingernails, pencils and chew the inside of their cheek. While the exact cause is not known, bruxism is clearly associated with stress and certain personality types. Like daytime teeth clenching, bruxism is often considered to be stress-related.

To learn more about Bruxism and possible cures that might work for you please visit Stop Grinding Teeth .




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