Thursday, May 29, 2008

How to Spot A Cheating Wife And Handle It

Hi everybody

When you hug her, she pulls away. She keeps to herself more lately. And she snaps at you when you ask for little favors. Might you be witnessing a few signs of a cheating wife?

Unfaithfulness is never welcome in a marriage, even in courtship or in dating relationships. It takes work to sustain a relationship, and unfaithfulness would only undermine what the two of you had gone through. When you see signs of a cheating wife, what should you do with it then?

Before we get to deal with unfaithfulness, we must first establish what the signs of a cheating wife are.

- A cheating wife does not respond to affection just like before. In fact, a cheating wife may not respond to affectionate gestures from her husband at all.
- A cheating wife seems irritated at the sight or the presence of her husband.
- A cheating wife withholds sex more.
- Ironically, a cheating wife may appear happier; but not because of you, her husband.
- A cheating wife keeps more secrets and is less chatty than before.

Generally, any noticeable change in the behavior of your wife should be cause for curiosity or a degree of being alarmed. When you notice these changes, do try to investigate a little, or observe her actions more.

When you have confirmed that your spouse’s actions are indeed the signs of a cheating wife, then you better get help in managing your anger. Preempt the possibility of turning violent by actually seeking help already, even before the anger boils up in you.

Put some geographical distance between you and your wife while you know you are seething from anger. Do not attempt to find out your wife’s other man; instead, try to get emotional and spiritual help to help you cope with this tragedy.

Do not drink yourself to an escape. Instead, work on getting your emotions dealt with. After which, forgive her. Try to hold off divorce, as much as possible. Maybe your wife was cheating because of lapses on your part. In general, if you still love her, try to get marital counseling and strive to save your marriage.

The signs of a cheating wife are serious; and yet, remember to keep a clear head in spite of the happenings around you.

Going to jail for any act of violence is not worth a hasty reaction. Neither is getting a drastic divorce going to solve your marital problems. Try to keep a level head when you see any signs of a cheating wife. Get to the root of the problem, and try to work your way through. In the end, it may be worth everything you’ve gone through.

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Get Paid To Refer Other People to Our Site

Hello everybody,

I found something for you that you're gonna love... How would you like to have an empty Inbox
and a full bank account?

I came across this killer report earlier today that was written by this guy who is well known
for publishing highly controversial reports on internet marketing. Well, he's done it again and this one is totally off the charts...

He talks about all kinds of crazy stuff from ebola viruses, to gold rush miners, to a new breed of
"silent assasin" he calls "DuRus".

He also gives some of the best advice I've ever read on gaining true focus and clarity, and talks about a no-nonsense plan for taking any business to the same income levels as the "real" big boys are doing.The stuff just makes sense.

Gotta give him credit...he tells it like it is, and you certainly won't hear anybody else saying this
kind of stuff.Best part is though, he's giving it all away for nothing!

Go grab your copy now...not sure how long it will be available.

Let me know what you think!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why Most People Fail To Achieve Their Goals

Hi .....

We have all set a goal at one stage of our lives or another, whether it be only once a year as a new year resolution or maybe it was a weight loss goal. Whatever it might be, we all experience different levels of success with accomplishing the goals that we success. Some achieve moderate success, while others are just abysmal failures when it comes to achieving the goals they set.

With the abundance of goal setting books out there and the number of self help/motivational gurus telling you
how to dream and achieve your goals in life then why is it that so many people are still struggling to get what they want out of life.

Below you will find some common reasons why people fail to achieve their goals and hopefully you will learn to avoid making them on your journey to fulfilling your goals and dreams.

*I’ll start tomorrow. This must be the line of every favorite procrastinator. They convince themselves that they will start that new diet tomorrow, they’ll get their act together starting tomorrow, they’ll stop spending on their credit card starting tomorrow. If you want to start a goal in motion the best time to start is yesterday. The second best time to start it is today. Stop putting off what should be done today for tomorrow because the only time you can control is the now and the present so why not start today.

*They take on to much all at once. The best way to guarantee failure is to have to many balls juggling in the air. It’s almost addictive for people who consistently fail to get so overwhelmed with to many goals and things to do that they either overwhelm themselves or occupy themselves so totally with things that don’t matter. You need to get clarity in your life with what is important and focus only on achieving that goal till completion. It’s easy to be “busy” for the sake of being busy but never actually getting any closer to achieving your goal.

*They don’t stick to their goal. We all can get discouraged with the fact that things don’t always go to plan. But you have to learn to persevere. If our parents all gave up on us after we fell down a dozen times trying to walk when we were toddlers than we would all be in a sorry state of affairs. But our parents had enough perseverance to believe that we will eventually get there with more effort and coaching that they persisted. We need to have that same level of conviction if we too are to succeed in our goals. Falling down is a normal part of learning. It’s only through our failures that we learn and grow so why not fall forward and get up. At least you are that much closer to your goal. It is only the people who never stick to their goals that they never achieve anything of value in life and then wonder why they feel a sense of dissatisfaction with where they end up.

They don’t have enough accountability. We all know that we work better when we have someone that we are accountable to. We seem to rise up to the occasion and get that little extra out of ourselves. The best illustration is when we go to the gym to do a workout. We tend to always train with someone who can spot for us. It is that person that convinces us that we have one more rep left in us when everything in your head and body tells you otherwise. Ironically its these last reps where we grow the most in terms of muscle growth and strength. So when you have a goal you need to get yourself someone whom you can be accountable to. The person you pick needs to be someone who is supportive of your goals and can be strict with you to keep to your commitments. You will find an accountability partner invaluable to your success and if both of you have similar goals in mind then this is even better.

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